#!/bin/sh # This script was generated using Makeself 2.3.0 ORIG_UMASK=`umask` if test "n" = n; then umask 077 fi CRCsum="3285296681" MD5="d9c7bfbe8069651447576f2a12fa85d4" TMPROOT=${TMPDIR:=/tmp} USER_PWD="$PWD"; export USER_PWD label="generic" script="./install-generic.sh" scriptargs="" licensetxt="" helpheader='' targetdir="payload-generic" filesizes="6816" keep="n" nooverwrite="n" quiet="n" print_cmd_arg="" if type printf > /dev/null; then print_cmd="printf" elif test -x /usr/ucb/echo; then print_cmd="/usr/ucb/echo" else print_cmd="echo" fi unset CDPATH MS_Printf() { $print_cmd $print_cmd_arg "$1" } MS_PrintLicense() { if test x"$licensetxt" != x; then echo "$licensetxt" while true do MS_Printf "Please type y to accept, n otherwise: " read yn if test x"$yn" = xn; then keep=n eval $finish; exit 1 break; elif test x"$yn" = xy; then break; fi done fi } MS_diskspace() { ( if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin; then PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH fi df -kP "$1" | tail -1 | awk '{ if ($4 ~ /%/) {print $3} else {print $4} }' ) } MS_dd() { blocks=`expr $3 / 1024` bytes=`expr $3 % 1024` dd if="$1" ibs=$2 skip=1 obs=1024 conv=sync 2> /dev/null | \ { test $blocks -gt 0 && dd ibs=1024 obs=1024 count=$blocks ; \ test $bytes -gt 0 && dd ibs=1 obs=1024 count=$bytes ; } 2> /dev/null } MS_dd_Progress() { if test x"$noprogress" = xy; then MS_dd $@ return $? fi file="$1" offset=$2 length=$3 pos=0 bsize=4194304 while test $bsize -gt $length; do bsize=`expr $bsize / 4` done blocks=`expr $length / $bsize` bytes=`expr $length % $bsize` ( dd ibs=$offset skip=1 2>/dev/null pos=`expr $pos \+ $bsize` MS_Printf " 0%% " 1>&2 if test $blocks -gt 0; then while test $pos -le $length; do dd bs=$bsize count=1 2>/dev/null pcent=`expr $length / 100` pcent=`expr $pos / $pcent` if test $pcent -lt 100; then MS_Printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" 1>&2 if test $pcent -lt 10; then MS_Printf " $pcent%% " 1>&2 else MS_Printf " $pcent%% " 1>&2 fi fi pos=`expr $pos \+ $bsize` done fi if test $bytes -gt 0; then dd bs=$bytes count=1 2>/dev/null fi MS_Printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b" 1>&2 MS_Printf " 100%% " 1>&2 ) < "$file" } MS_Help() { cat << EOH >&2 ${helpheader}Makeself version 2.3.0 1) Getting help or info about $0 : $0 --help Print this message $0 --info Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ... $0 --lsm Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM) $0 --list Print the list of files in the archive $0 --check Checks integrity of the archive 2) Running $0 : $0 [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script] with following options (in that order) --confirm Ask before running embedded script --quiet Do not print anything except error messages --noexec Do not run embedded script --keep Do not erase target directory after running the embedded script --noprogress Do not show the progress during the decompression --nox11 Do not spawn an xterm --nochown Do not give the extracted files to the current user --target dir Extract directly to a target directory directory path can be either absolute or relative --tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command -- Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script EOH } MS_Check() { OLD_PATH="$PATH" PATH=${GUESS_MD5_PATH:-"$OLD_PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/openssl/bin"} MD5_ARG="" MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5sum || command -v md5sum || type md5sum` test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5 || command -v md5 || type md5` test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which digest || command -v digest || type digest` PATH="$OLD_PATH" if test x"$quiet" = xn; then MS_Printf "Verifying archive integrity..." fi offset=`head -n 522 "$1" | wc -c | tr -d " "` verb=$2 i=1 for s in $filesizes do crc=`echo $CRCsum | cut -d" " -f$i` if test -x "$MD5_PATH"; then if test x"`basename $MD5_PATH`" = xdigest; then MD5_ARG="-a md5" fi md5=`echo $MD5 | cut -d" " -f$i` if test x"$md5" = x00000000000000000000000000000000; then test x"$verb" = xy && echo " $1 does not contain an embedded MD5 checksum." >&2 else md5sum=`MS_dd_Progress "$1" $offset $s | eval "$MD5_PATH $MD5_ARG" | cut -b-32`; if test x"$md5sum" != x"$md5"; then echo "Error in MD5 checksums: $md5sum is different from $md5" >&2 exit 2 else test x"$verb" = xy && MS_Printf " MD5 checksums are OK." >&2 fi crc="0000000000"; verb=n fi fi if test x"$crc" = x0000000000; then test x"$verb" = xy && echo " $1 does not contain a CRC checksum." >&2 else sum1=`MS_dd_Progress "$1" $offset $s | CMD_ENV=xpg4 cksum | awk '{print $1}'` if test x"$sum1" = x"$crc"; then test x"$verb" = xy && MS_Printf " CRC checksums are OK." >&2 else echo "Error in checksums: $sum1 is different from $crc" >&2 exit 2; fi fi i=`expr $i + 1` offset=`expr $offset + $s` done if test x"$quiet" = xn; then echo " All good." fi } UnTAR() { if test x"$quiet" = xn; then tar $1vf - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 $$; } else tar $1f - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 $$; } fi } finish=true xterm_loop= noprogress=n nox11=n copy=none ownership=y verbose=n initargs="$@" while true do case "$1" in -h | --help) MS_Help exit 0 ;; -q | --quiet) quiet=y noprogress=y shift ;; --info) echo Identification: "$label" echo Target directory: "$targetdir" echo Uncompressed size: 52 KB echo Compression: xz echo Date of packaging: Wed Jul 31 17:12:50 MSK 2024 echo Built with Makeself version 2.3.0 on linux-gnu echo Build command was: "/usr/bin/makeself \\ \"--xz\" \\ \"/mnt/data/home/alex/projects/build-makeself/generic/payload-generic\" \\ \"install-generic.run\" \\ \"generic\" \\ \"./install-generic.sh\"" if test x"$script" != x; then echo Script run after extraction: echo " " $script $scriptargs fi if test x"" = xcopy; then echo "Archive will copy itself to a temporary location" fi if test x"n" = xy; then echo "Root permissions required for extraction" fi if test x"n" = xy; then echo "directory $targetdir is permanent" else echo "$targetdir will be removed after extraction" fi exit 0 ;; --dumpconf) echo LABEL=\"$label\" echo SCRIPT=\"$script\" echo SCRIPTARGS=\"$scriptargs\" echo archdirname=\"payload-generic\" echo KEEP=n echo NOOVERWRITE=n echo COMPRESS=xz echo filesizes=\"$filesizes\" echo CRCsum=\"$CRCsum\" echo MD5sum=\"$MD5\" echo OLDUSIZE=52 echo OLDSKIP=523 exit 0 ;; --lsm) cat << EOLSM No LSM. EOLSM exit 0 ;; --list) echo Target directory: $targetdir offset=`head -n 522 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "` for s in $filesizes do MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "xz -d" | UnTAR t offset=`expr $offset + $s` done exit 0 ;; --tar) offset=`head -n 522 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "` arg1="$2" if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi for s in $filesizes do MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "xz -d" | tar "$arg1" - "$@" offset=`expr $offset + $s` done exit 0 ;; --check) MS_Check "$0" y exit 0 ;; --confirm) verbose=y shift ;; --noexec) script="" shift ;; --keep) keep=y shift ;; --target) keep=y targetdir=${2:-.} if ! shift 2; then MS_Help; exit 1; fi ;; --noprogress) noprogress=y shift ;; --nox11) nox11=y shift ;; --nochown) ownership=n shift ;; --xwin) if test "n" = n; then finish="echo Press Return to close this window...; read junk" fi xterm_loop=1 shift ;; --phase2) copy=phase2 shift ;; --) shift break ;; -*) echo Unrecognized flag : "$1" >&2 MS_Help exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done if test x"$quiet" = xy -a x"$verbose" = xy; then echo Cannot be verbose and quiet at the same time. >&2 exit 1 fi if test x"n" = xy -a `id -u` -ne 0; then echo "Administrative privileges required for this archive (use su or sudo)" >&2 exit 1 fi if test x"$copy" \!= xphase2; then MS_PrintLicense fi case "$copy" in copy) tmpdir=$TMPROOT/makeself.$RANDOM.`date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S"`.$$ mkdir "$tmpdir" || { echo "Could not create temporary directory $tmpdir" >&2 exit 1 } SCRIPT_COPY="$tmpdir/makeself" echo "Copying to a temporary location..." >&2 cp "$0" "$SCRIPT_COPY" chmod +x "$SCRIPT_COPY" cd "$TMPROOT" exec "$SCRIPT_COPY" --phase2 -- $initargs ;; phase2) finish="$finish ; rm -rf `dirname $0`" ;; esac if test x"$nox11" = xn; then if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal? : else if test x"$DISPLAY" != x -a x"$xterm_loop" = x; then # No, but do we have X? if xset q > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Check for valid DISPLAY variable GUESS_XTERMS="xterm gnome-terminal rxvt dtterm eterm Eterm xfce4-terminal lxterminal kvt konsole aterm terminology" for a in $GUESS_XTERMS; do if type $a >/dev/null 2>&1; then XTERM=$a break fi done chmod a+x $0 || echo Please add execution rights on $0 if test `echo "$0" | cut -c1` = "/"; then # Spawn a terminal! exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "$0" --xwin "$initargs" else exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "./$0" --xwin "$initargs" fi fi fi fi fi if test x"$targetdir" = x.; then tmpdir="." else if test x"$keep" = xy; then if test x"$nooverwrite" = xy && test -d "$targetdir"; then echo "Target directory $targetdir already exists, aborting." >&2 exit 1 fi if test x"$quiet" = xn; then echo "Creating directory $targetdir" >&2 fi tmpdir="$targetdir" dashp="-p" else tmpdir="$TMPROOT/selfgz$$$RANDOM" dashp="" fi mkdir $dashp $tmpdir || { echo 'Cannot create target directory' $tmpdir >&2 echo 'You should try option --target dir' >&2 eval $finish exit 1 } fi location="`pwd`" if test x"$SETUP_NOCHECK" != x1; then MS_Check "$0" fi offset=`head -n 522 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "` if test x"$verbose" = xy; then MS_Printf "About to extract 52 KB in $tmpdir ... Proceed ? [Y/n] " read yn if test x"$yn" = xn; then eval $finish; exit 1 fi fi if test x"$quiet" = xn; then MS_Printf "Uncompressing $label" fi res=3 if test x"$keep" = xn; then trap 'echo Signal caught, cleaning up >&2; cd $TMPROOT; /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir; eval $finish; exit 15' 1 2 3 15 fi leftspace=`MS_diskspace $tmpdir` if test -n "$leftspace"; then if test "$leftspace" -lt 52; then echo echo "Not enough space left in "`dirname $tmpdir`" ($leftspace KB) to decompress $0 (52 KB)" >&2 if test x"$keep" = xn; then echo "Consider setting TMPDIR to a directory with more free space." fi eval $finish; exit 1 fi fi for s in $filesizes do if MS_dd_Progress "$0" $offset $s | eval "xz -d" | ( cd "$tmpdir"; umask $ORIG_UMASK ; UnTAR xp ) 1>/dev/null; then if test x"$ownership" = xy; then (PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH; cd "$tmpdir"; chown -R `id -u` .; chgrp -R `id -g` .) fi else echo >&2 echo "Unable to decompress $0" >&2 eval $finish; exit 1 fi offset=`expr $offset + $s` done if test x"$quiet" = xn; then echo fi cd "$tmpdir" res=0 if test x"$script" != x; then if test x"$verbose" = x"y"; then MS_Printf "OK to execute: $script $scriptargs $* ? [Y/n] " read yn if test x"$yn" = x -o x"$yn" = xy -o x"$yn" = xY; then eval "\"$script\" $scriptargs \"\$@\""; res=$?; fi else eval "\"$script\" $scriptargs \"\$@\""; res=$? fi if test "$res" -ne 0; then test x"$verbose" = xy && echo "The program '$script' returned an error code ($res)" >&2 fi fi if test x"$keep" = xn; then cd $TMPROOT /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir fi eval $finish; exit $res 7zXZִF!X_] }3:׭f' <)٫?bcPA [j;'ڇ5FXOlfwh#5f,)~+6K#!V$)o[o=D_Ω+= Zlt >D  i@ΥiV PX4yA{5 }I= iؕBk/׭/Nzj< "cOX m-Dlq>:1sdՈ X[ɠYHNv2M8~ Ŷ{%r0Q->;euWͽ\x旼j N}bi+*4yزٳv؛*J'g"'93qg tR^áL0}p@UTZQ/"%__ >2ĦHj̞ӬHdΟfv"aFaow/dy?6iI ]hz6E*и4'uo04Q}~ _zthDjq: ֛ S a=ڃB=h"CEϤ彐j=@`1YbĖTa81Y \ S:b6RRc? aWAyl7v{KU6>⇜k1h~[ea`Z*=_m?k䮤s`2`#qY&“zߞccO#^U~a"EAjP'fv94P>aKZ8v@, iNf\' |=&ux_E3&]Ii aϜ3 J?h[`:J]}64.RVg3$ 03hi } թᵾwׯܠn.{,{ 7~89 xd7>3_NLD\ߊ[f ŃH(|_s-&aⲒC8^t2UT;U[2 %m[ 2&awD4X))lOtNi^P<Ĭl^2(핪鿓7Нxnt vN.ϔl9. cdQ >>݌] x MwĆe)Ji;fI6C^02َ i?"L`!iB0 rI\-(0KjS lk֪[3b3bi(4I;._#+Gc/s FÕߛ0#>P;3&Ӿ=ɞ&lٓp ;cOOήhUdϮBҟa+e.͔.nn#:"! m^Mgd#sv/|~$Q=is#S[SdMqm G17IgubQ _#"u3S5k -FDQϯOJ< VyIR :_P<LLȼMBhi4nG*w-ӍrfF`: 7:ء?&ͺ7$o8Iӄ*'O9rpǹQ f8X&iF24Cn2eUti;xʖktz̹eu!G:9Iw<o2] (vuFKm kz7o8619ķv` .PkO9K>R8".; iL~.M.`vmȑ(]JqmJю 贀P](=QaA2̦mЏdz,~xٍ)KX]UAiu65yRԠ7l9(m kzr߱lti!]CX~=HaJnnv:Zf,Cb, C֜I(l ) g"` YrjRBÃT5и$߸sWNХy!2쒴۞2 8lXzv X\uND[Wak <Ix&d:wé{GK_g 24d ciQϸeRLp6hT3fid%!1>7[64Τ6A r G:μ h|jw:(4[J ɪ|s҈L$,wJ(9[pR}Rxn 7Up qop- kԡЗ/{GPesɽ5?)Jf%ƇPY-;V"]uNǠ  +ZYF:fSfЀ)T wP ϴdB~fa[J6{AK)ɒti'Hq`Hvf}|fF&u@(o_t`򱖀-%V-8 |Q=J.'8n,t@}|)0w)o=]ߢ`d7=E..Y%bVw GPN|\ q)"&B,޹ F(- ¨ƭ>gn $#<2㭴)|<5jQ0,zV>҂apѓ3Y#]c\N/^K;a$q7?sTA%&c-7X5$[a2:V($,y6^jn?,K7. w"Q(F2 |K m{ޢϨr'Gt+{C"ioZń},-ځ,9ddoȏ[xɄ,5O;vjZC;MU%uIs!ُ 1ݳ;+':{)V(h18ߪA5$JihAZGkhaSd(|Zv(z¥OӆT]ubaѕ;+!t 5擓,ADDljو>:*}1z,\^"^b롻V{,loq]~pTs{z Aw@q~d8tYwQdu]{$%,:LH-Mj+;Êz e6V`+ć˸hǾ(X =!i7I3M79+@Ϛ ^!9 82[9XCZNJX7YEۚįS1&)[3tk˜NGgnGz?i!!k?5Z4dZG/ _L(\6V@Wh`;%n}kS|m8C:]rYѕ|(KM%Tnץ2J__+DC|كа <*c?_L=rhbw*oj.6[K:m`@DguV|Ny֝p{9_N%2O$yP#*P`>KZ'Z50No(zm:^Ix,[Q7iB~)UH!zUnŽ DyD]0nSNkTyAn!DJ+1ir+3W{E!/- 'P!Jwp,efDvcuWϠK R 4aagYZ